Sara Biddle

Expanding your Mind

Our fiist talk of the month was from Sara, not only our chair but a contributing member as well.

Many of the new members have had their first introduction into Sara’s path to her passion. Her background, qualifiacations and what drives her.

We were shown a few of the methodologies, in simplistic form, that Sara considers when working with clients. Please look at Sara’s profile page for further information.

Koolwebs Talk Today

Each member of the business club gets a profile page to advertise their business on our website.

As we have some fairly new members I wanted to go through the basic steps to update their business profile page on the website.

We looked at logging in and adding the basic text. I demonstrated adding images looking at size and uploading to the media library.

Everyone will be give a link to the presentation for reference as well as a link to a document with the written instructions.

We are always looking for new businesses to join us providing they don’t duplicate another members trade. Please call our chairperson if you would like to come along for a visit.

New Venue

The Beach Cafe is now under new management and sadly can no longer host our weekly meetings. We are working hard to find a new venue. Looking for local business to support as we are a local networking group of enthusiastic businesses. Keep checking in and we will let you know as soon as we are settled.

New member presentation

Great talk from Paula Jones of Debacle to Sparkle. Giving us all the infomation we need to pass her details on. Call Paula on 07764 183 944. One cupboard to a whole house, packing or sorting Paula can help,

Network Visitors

A warm welcome to a couple of visitors this month Jason Kemp and Paula Jones. A pleasure to meet you both.

If you attend as a visitor you have three opportunitues to see if this is for you. First visit is Free and on us. Two subsequent visits are £10 each to cover costs.

After three visits you decide if you would like to join and then our subcommitee will start the joining process.

We have a one seat one business type policy which works very well. As long as your business is not duplicated by a current member feel free to contact our chair.

Discover Networking Event

If you would like to engage with a local networking group then come along to a less formal setting. In a relaxed environment you can talk to other local businesses as well as members of the group and find out about us as a business club.

Our next Discover Networking Event is on Thursday 29th June 2023 – At Whitstable Rugby Club

Come and network with local business people.

5.00 – 7.00pm with light refreshments.


Chair details