February Update

Mark Greenstreet explained that, sadly, he was going to leave the Club as an opportunity had come up that he couldn’t turn down.  We all expressed our good wishes to him for the future and thanked him for his contributions to the Club.
We had two visitors, one being Andy Page from MPH Accounting (2nd visit); the other Rebecca Pearce, Customer Services Manager from the Miramar in Herne Bay (1st visit).
Charity Update
Sara and Nick met with FAR to find out how we could help them.  More info will be provided at our Charity Day on 12th March.  They have many needs, including wanting to buy a minibus to help with transport for children making long or complex journeys to get to the school.  Would appreciate help with other issues, not just fundraising such as help to make applications for funding.  We will continue working to find the best way to support them.